
September 2011 News Archive

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Due to the Compliance, Safety, Accountability (CSA) initiative being within a few years of its initial inception, the issues and regulations are still being scrutinized to ensure that the rules are beneficial to all truckers throughout the nation.

Truck shows are rolling in this fall

Thursday, September 22nd, 2011

A variety of events for the trucking industry will be happening throughout the country this autumn.

Ensuring truck driving safety is the important role of big rig technicians who maintain the nation's vehicles in the trucking industry.

Traffic conditions are a huge issue for fleet management logistics and truckers that navigate the nation's highways.

When trucks are left idling in traffic for millions of hours every year across North America, the statistics can push fleet management owners and government officials into action.

New trucker receives special honor

Thursday, September 22nd, 2011

Despite the recent talks about the trucking industry needing more new drivers, there are still plenty of young and eager truckers who want to hit the road right after they complete their compliance training for truck drivers.

The amount that freight trucks are legally allowed to haul is an ongoing debate nationwide.

Many truckers like to take their breaks inside their big rig cabins, which can sometimes use up excessive energy to power electronics and truck systems.

New trucks mean greener driving

Tuesday, September 20th, 2011

Even though the economic environment in the U.S. remains uncertain, government officials and trucking companies are still moving towards implementing more eco-friendly regulations when it comes to the nation's big rigs.

To reduce the amount of accidents on the road, some trucking companies are going a step further than having their employees take compliance training for truck drivers or other trucking safety coursework.

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