
March 2011 News Archive

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As with any kind of driver, truckers require insurance in the event of anything going awry while on the job. However, enrolling in online truck driver safety training could help curb the instances of accidents, making it less likely that something goes wrong.

President Barack Obama and Mexican President Felipe Calderon recently announced the agreement that any truck based in Mexico that operates inside the U.S. must install an electronic onboard recorder (EOBR).

The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMSCA) recently unveiled a new program that is geared toward making the profession less dangerous.

Peak periods of traffic continue to be a hot-button issue for many trucking companies and lawmakers.

This year's winter was particularly snowy in many parts of the U.S., which has urged lawmakers to draft new proposals concerning proper snow removal in passenger vehicles to prevent snow from flying over rooftops and compromising safety.

Williamsport, Maryland's Economic and Community Development department officials recently drafted a proposal that would restrict truck weights on some roads throughout the town, Herald-Mail reports.

Fuel prices are continuing to soar throughout the U.S. as a result of civil unrest in Libya. The Texas American Automobile Association branch reports that diesel costs have reached $3.74 per gallon across the state, according to news station KENS.

As the Middle East unrest continues to increase energy prices around the globe, the Fairbanks City Council in Alaska is planning to support a new liquefied natural gas trucking operation that will help lower the cost of energy.

After the Owner Operate Independent Drivers Association (OOIDA) recently announced a call to action for truckers to contact their lawmakers over a new bill that would expand areas that allow 65 mph speed limits for cars and trucks, there's a lot of rumbling in the Illinois statehouse.

Individuals who are thinking about becoming a truck driver may want to consider enrolling in online truck driver training courses in order to be up-to-date on all of the changes within the industry.

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