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The freight weight debate

Created: Monday, June 27th, 2011 04:01 pm

How much a truck is legally allowed to haul can make the difference between big profits and a struggling business. Federal lawmakers are considering some new regulations that would allow trucks to carry more material, reports The Daily Herald.

The limit for freight weight on interstate highways is 80,000 pounds for big rigs. If owners add an additional axel, the new law would permit an extra 17,000 pounds. Increases on the weight limit may stimulate the economics of trucking, which is a factor that congress continues to debate while considering the bill.

According to Greenville Online, some motorists are concerned about the bigger trucks that could potentially be on the road. Residents of South Carolina say the roads are already congested and they worry that bigger trucks will only add to traffic issues.

Advocates of the bill say this new rule can not only save expenses for those in charge of fleet management, but can also reduce emissions and improve overall safety. Larger vehicles may reduce crash rates because fewer trucks would need to be on the road.

The freight weight debate

Monday, June 27th, 2011

How much a truck is legally allowed to haul can make the difference between big profits and a struggling business.

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