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Official rules on trucking safety hour limits released

Created: Thursday, December 22nd, 2011 05:01 pm

The new rules for trucking hour limits were officially released recently, which may change the way some drivers adhere to their truck driving safety laws and guidelines in the future.

According to Truck News, although drivers can still haul freight up to 11 hours a day, the weekly limit of hours was lowered. In the past, truckers could work up to 82 hours a week, working all seven days if they wanted to fulfill their orders. However, the new law says that they now can only work 70 hours a week, meaning that they must have at least a 34-hour rest period at some point in their regular work week.

Many officials that represent various organizations within the trucking industry are surprised by the outcomes of these ruling, thinking that the daily hours were going to be reduced. However, the long-haul truckers will still be affected by the reduction of weekly hours allowed to be driven, which may alter the future of these types of careers.

Truckers who have finished their CDL training requirements should keep in mind this new rule change so that they stay within the trucking safety and compliance guidelines that are prevalent throughout the nation.

The new rules for trucking hour limits were officially released recently, which may change the way some drivers adhere to their truck driving safety laws and guidelines in the future.

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