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State opens new electrified parking areas for truckers

Created: Wednesday, April 20th, 2011 03:01 pm

In an effort to reduce the amount of fuel trucking companies need to purchase, businesses are launching electrified parking areas to help truckers have full use of their cab without the an idling engine.

In Delaware, the Smyrna Rest Area recently unveiled an electrified parking area to help promote the trucking industry's move toward alternative fuel sources, the Milford Beacon reports.

The site includes 24 electrified parking spaces by attaching an external console to his or her truck. The console is then mounted on pedestals and powered by electricity which can heat or cool the cab and provide access to the internet.

"Electrified parking areas make environmental and economic sense," Jack Markell, Governor of Delaware, told the news source. "Truckers will not have to idle their engines, reducing harmful diesel emissions and saving money on fuel consumption, which is a win for Delaware’s environment and for our truckers who keep commerce moving."

In order to use the rest area, drivers will be required to purchase a $20 reusable window adapter, which includes a credit card spcific to the site that will allow drivers eight hours of usage time.

By Andie Martin

In an effort to reduce the amount of fuel trucking companies need to purchase, businesses are launching electrified parking areas to help truckers have full use of their cab without the an idling engine.

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