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Report: Natural gas trucks become more attractive

Created: Wednesday, June 27th, 2012 08:01 am

One way to improve fleet management efforts is to reduce overall costs and boost efficiency. This can be achieved through savings in fuel expenditure and managing trucks running on natural gas rather than diesel fuel.

A recent study from IHS Cambridge Energy Research Associates found liquefied natural gas is an ideal source of fuel for heavy-duty trucks traveling long distances across the country. For truckers running the same routes daily, natural gas stations along the road can help drivers and fleet managers take advantage of low fuel prices. While diesel fuel is expected to cost $3.91 per gallon over the next five years, liquefied natural gas is found at $1.70 per gallon, offering significant savings.

"Liquefied natural gas for heavy-duty trucking cracks the classic chicken-and-egg cycle that plagues new transportation technologies and fuels," said Tiffany Groode, director of the IHS automotive long-term planning and scenarios service. "The route is known, the mileage is high and economics is the primary decision factor."

The study predicts fleet operators will be the first large consumer group to invest in liquefied natural gas vehicles, and slowly increase their investment as they replace existing diesel trucks in the fleet. The operators will realize the competitive advantage they gain with LNG trucks, and progress with the transition.

One way to improve fleet management efforts is to reduce overall costs and boost efficiency.

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