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Large organization helps truckers stay healthy

Created: Wednesday, November 23rd, 2011 07:01 am

The Healthy Trucking Association of America (HTAA) has been making great strides towards educating drivers about their wellness and what can be done to improve their physical condition while on the road. Fortunately, the trucking companies themselves are now working even harder to ensure the health of their drivers, reports The New York Times. Not only do unhealthy drivers tend to perform poorly while stuck in a big rig cabin for hours, but fleet management owners also must pay high premiums for drivers who are not in the best shape.

One big issue the organization is advocating for improvement on is trucker obesity. Brett Blowers, marketing and development director of the HTAA, said that his organization has screened truckers at conferences and found serious ailments as well as high blood pressure levels.

According to the HTAA’s website, truckers are encouraged to join the group for information and support as soon as they complete their CDL training and are beginning their career behind the wheel of a big rig. This group aims to advocate for healthy habits while working, including adding regular exercise and nutritious food items into the everyday routine.

The Healthy Trucking Association of America (HTAA) has been making great strides towards educating drivers about their wellness and what can be done to improve their physical condition while on the road.

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